miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Excellent site on L1-specific pronunciation and English dialects

The Speech Accent Archive is a really interesting site. It has speakers from all over the world and of many different L1s reading a passage aloud in English. I believe this passage is designed to showcase as many different segmental characteristics in English as possible. You can hear different speech samples if you click on the "language/speakers" link or the "atlas/regions" link, and you can see what sounds many different languages contain if you click on "native phonetic inventory". There are two main things I find useful:

1) If your students are having trouble understanding certain native English-speaking dialects, you can go to this page. You can hear a huge number of different accents.

2) If you as a teacher want to find out different problems students from different regions will have, you can click on the "language/speakers" link or the "atlas/regions" link and the site gives very specific issues students may have with English as well a sample of their speech.

2 comentarios:

  1. Wow, this website is really interesting! It provides quite a lot of speech samples and each sample is also accompanied by "phonetic transcription" of that speech. This is going to be very helpful for ESL teachers who do not have much knowledge about different L1s and their transfer into ESL. And, the site has about 400 samples of different accents of native English speakers. Great.

  2. I really enjoyed surfing this website. It has a huge inventory of speech from which students can learn/differentiate diverse accents of English. It was interesting to listen to how people from different parts of English speaking regions speak in different accents.
